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The National Council of Women Annual General Meeting “Towards a regeneration for the Future”
NCW Malta Annual General Meeting 2021 was held at The Palace Hotel Sliema on Thursday 22 July 2021 In her opening address, outgoing NCW President, Mary Gaerty, called on the Assembly to join her in a prayer for past members of NCW, for those who lost their life due to the Covid-19 and for the women whose lives were taken away due to femicide, which saw an increase during Covid-19.
Elimination of Violence against Women - 16 Days of Activism
Elimination of violence against women – 16 Days of Activism. You too can do something about it! The 25th of November is the kick off date for the annual international campaign of 16 days of activism against Gender Based Violence. It starts on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women and runs till the 10th of December, Human Rights Day .
Human dignity should be respected at all times.
The National Council of Women would like to express its concern about the video posted online portraying men pelting a woman with eggs during a stag party. Human dignity should be respected at all times. As a society, we should condemn any type of abuse even if this is done by consent for financial gain.
OSCE/ODIHR anti-trafficking survey for survivors of trafficking in human beings
The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) has received numerous responses and has decided to extend the submission due date for the survey of survivors of human trafficking to Monday 26 August 2019.
On 2 July, the Joint Liaison Task Force Migrant Smuggling and Trafficking in Human Beings (JLT-MS) was launched at Europol. This new operational platform will allow liaison officers from all EU Member States to step up the fight against constantly adapting criminal networks.
Malta is EU country with highest rate of tertiary education graduates in employment
A report in the Independent states that Malta stood above the EU average in 2018 when it came to the employment rate of graduates aged 20-34 who had attained a tertiary level education within the previous three years,
European Commission
On 2 July 2019, Ursula von der Leyen was nominated by the European Council to the position of President of the European Commission; she will be the first women and the first German since Walter Hallstein
Equal opportunities and access to the labour market
1. Education, training and life-long learning Everyone has the right to quality and inclusive education, training and life-long learning in order to maintain and acquire skills that enable them to participate fully in society and manage successfully transitions in the labour market. 2. Gender equality Equality of treatment and opportunities between women and men must be ensured and fostered in all areas, including regarding participation in the labour market, terms and conditions of employment and career progression. Women and men have the right to equal pay for work of equal value.
The gender pay gap in the EU and the European Pillar of #SocialRights
1. The gender pay gap in the EU is 16.2%, that’s 16.2% higher than it should be! Gender equality is the second key principle of the European Pillar of #SocialRights for a reason 2. The European Pillar of #SocialRights supports the right to equal treatment and opportunities regarding employment, social protection, education, and access to goods and services available to the public. Something NCW Malta has supported since its creation!
Gender Equality in the Media Sector
This study was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Women's Rights and Gender Equality. It examines key elements of the European policy agenda pertaining to gender equality in the media sector. It also reviews existing research on women's representation within media content and the media workforce. The study provides analysis of actions to promote gender equality in the media at both EU and Member State levels. Finally, it presents case studies of gender equality in the media sector in four Member States: Austria, Malta, Sweden, and the UK.
Empowering women and girls in media and ICT
On the occasion of the International Women's Day, the Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality is holding an inter-parliamentary committee meeting on empowering women and girls in media and ICT. The meeting, which will bring together EU institutional representatives, members of EU national parliaments, experts and stakeholders, will take place on 08 March 2018. The presentation and debates will deal with the topics of women shaping media, empowering women and girls through digital inclusion and women’s movements and advancing equality in the digital age.
Digital healthcare / health insurance
In the view of the EESC, given the digital revolution in the field of health, it is vital to maintain and promote a health insurance system which serves the needs of everyone, and is solidarity-based, inclusive and non-discriminatory. Inclusion and fair access for all to good quality health services (digital or otherwise) and commitment to these are in fact prerequisites for universal health coverage.
Gender equality in European labour markets
In order to improve gender equality in labour markets, the EESC considers it necessary to draw up an integrated and ambitious European strategy to tackle systemic and structural obstacles and lead to adequate policies, measures and EU funding programmes for improving equality between women and men, thus fostering "more equal economic independence of women and men" . This would also contribute to the implementation of the European Pillar of Social Rights.
Services to the family
Developing services in private homes in order to achieve a better work-life balance Every family has a home and clothes to maintain, meals to prepare, children to care for, elderly parents or ill or disabled family members who need help. Women often have to work part-time in order to carry out these tasks, missing out on the career for which they have trained or on time they would use for training.
Women and girls digital gender gap
This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the FEMM Committee, attempts to reveal the links between the different factors (access, skills, socio-economic and cultural), which prevent women from having equal access to digital technology. It then suggests ways of dealing with online and offline inequalities to the effect of closing the digital gender gap and improving women’s and girls’ digital inclusion and future technology-related career paths.
Plastics, human health and environmental impacts: The road ahead
Plastics have been with us for more than a century, and by now they’re everywhere, for good and for ill. Plastic containers and coatings help keep food fresh, but they can also leave behind neurotoxins such as BPA in the human body. PVC is used for everything from pipes and flooring to furniture and clothes, but it contains compounds called phthalates that have been implicated in male reproductive disorders. Studies have also shown that childhood exposure to environmental pollutants can have significant negative effects later in life, including reduced labor force participation and even earnings.
European Commission aims to significantly reduce the gender pay gap
The European Commission plans to use a series of measures aimed at significantly reducing the pay gap between men and women over the next five years. The average gender pay gap in the EU currently stands at 18%. To lower this rate, the Commission plans to raise awareness among employers, encourage initiatives to promote gender equality and support the development of tools to measure the gender pay gap.
NCW Annual General Meeting 2019
NCW Annual General Meeting 2019 The Annual General Meeting of the National Council of Women was held on Saturday 26th January 2019, at The Victoria Hotel, Sliema. President Mary Gaerty spoke about the work which the Council has embarked on during 2018. This included pensions, education, violence against women, work and entrepreneurship, work life balance and the challenges faced by women on a daily basis. She also highlighted the fact that the National Council of Women is looking ahead at the constant changes
Work-life Balance
Better work-life balance for EU citizens: Presidency reaches provisional agreement with the European Parliament
The National Council of Women supports the Act to provide protection for human embryos
NCW has always advocated for legislation of alternative IVF treatment not least because of the sensitivity and the consequences for both parents and society if it had to remain unregulated. NCW believes that IVF treatment should be for heterosexuals within a stable family environment The Council has always supported the protection of embryos as the first cell of a human life and, with the development of alternative treatment over the past years this has become possible successfully.
Women on Boards: Vice-President Viviane Reding meets with leaders of Europe's business schools and i
Today, EU Justice Commissioner Viviane Reding met with European Industry Associations, European Business Schools and Senior Executive Women to discuss progress being made on improving the gender balance in company boardrooms.
UfM adopts new project to support women’s empowerment in the Mediterranean
A project aimed at developing women’s empowerment in the Mediterranean through the development of effective field projects and the setting up of networks and platforms, was adopted by Senior Officials of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) at a meeting held last month.



Approved Resolutions





NCW Annual General Meeting







January 2012





Dear Colleagues


Every year, the Annual General Meeting of the National Council of Women is  an exercise in scrutinizing what has been done by the large number of active members in the Council; it is indeed a reflection of the Council's vision.


But it is more than just that: it is an introduction to the initiatives of the forthcoming year, after a careful study of developments that took place during the year resulting from a wide range of circumstances. NCW has always been alert to these changes and always ready through its members and affiliated organisations to make proposals for policies and practices to address the relevant  issues


I therefore invite you to carefully study the resolutions that have been approved at the AGM 2012 in January and to find out what contribution you can make so that they will not remain issues on paper, but will become part of our daily life to ensure that all Maltese citizens, women in particular will have de facto a better quality of life


Some of the resolutions in this publication reflect earlier approved resolutions in areas which needed to be developed further. Others are covering, I would almost say completely new ground, but not without deep discussion with experts in the respective fields


I urge you to share them with colleagues, friends and not least in your discussions with repesentatives of social, economic and political authorities who are in a position to take decisions on them and to implement them



I thank all those who contributed to the formulation of these resolutions. I also wish to congratulate our new NCW President, Mary Gaerty, who I am sure is a key person in the 'driver's seat' to continue in the fast track leading the Council, supported by the energy and dedication of N CW members

My best wishes to you all!

Grace Attard

NCW Vice-President (2012)












  • 1. Engaging Youths in the Elimination of Domestic Violence
  • 2. Women's representation in Local Councils and Parliament
  • 3. Oocyte Vitrification as an Alternative to embryo Freezing during IVF Treatment
  • 4. Proper Designated Space in the Breast Clinic at Mater Dei Hospital
  • 5. Follow-up to the Extension of Maternity Leave: Addressing the interim period between 2nd January 2012(date when the legal notice came into force) and the functioning of Temping Agencies


  • 6. The EU Year for Active Ageing - Solidarity between Generations
  • 7. Addressing Alcohol Consumption during Pregnancy
  • 8. Lejn Edukazzjoni ta' Kwalita' ghal Kulhadd - Il-Qafas tal- Kurrikkulu Nazzjonali 2011 It-Tkomplija tal-Istudju u x-Xoghol


  • 9. Improving Measurers regarding Refugee Status to Asylum seekers
  • 10. The Consequences of Climate Change and the need for Adaptation and Mitigation







  • 1. Title of Resolution:


Engaging Youths in the elimination of Domestic Violence




Domestic violence causes serious physical and psychological harm to victims and in extreme cases may also lead to the loss of life. The effect is even more drastic when the victim is a child or a youth. Since at this age they would still be developing emotionally and formulating their perception of the relationships and of the environment. Youths who experience domestic violence are especially vulnerable and have an independent right to help and protection. Many of these youths suffer serious distress which is likely to impinge on several aspects of their life including their academic performance, relationships with peers and friends as they become socially withdrawn, problematic relationships with partners and also more engagement in negative health habits such as smoking, alcohol and drug abuse and eating problems.


A current study carried out by Fsadni (2010) on behalf of the Commission for Domestic Violence investigating the prevalence of domestic violence locally,  revealed that a quarter of Maltese women have been physically, emotionally abused by their husband or partner. The study has also revealed that 4% were forced to have sex or perform a sexual act. In half the cases, the abuser was the boyfriend, 6.4% were touched sexually or made to do something sexual before the age of fifteen and 6.5% were beaten or physically mistreated. Of these, 37 per cent were abused by their father. The findings revealed that a significant proportion of Maltese youths are also experiencing several forms of abuse including physical, sexual and emotional abuse mostly by their partners or even worse by their relatives.


In addition current research has revealed that an estimated one fifth to one third of teenagers witnessing domestic violent situations experience teen dating violence, regularly abusing or being abused by their partners verbally, mentally, emotionally, sexually and/or physically. 30 to 50% of dating relationships can exhibit the same cycle of escalating violence in their marital relationships. This results because youths come to accept violence as the norm, thinking they deserve no better. Violence can also become a learnt behaviour, destroying the youths' capacity to form healthy relationships.


Therefore the key to address the overwhelming issue of domestic violence is prevention and early detection of domestic violence through the implementation of educational campaigns. Helping to prevent domestic violence across all population groups is a public responsibility. It is our responsibility to safeguard the right to both women and men to a life free of violence and threats of violence and to ensure that children can grow up without suffering, abuse or fear. Through improved prevention, more detection, more rapid reaction and better rehabilitation, we will promote a safer and healthy society.



More emphasis should be placed on targeting youths through the implementation of a National Action Plan which targets the problem of domestic violence amongst youths holistically by working on:


  • More emphasis on prevention and early intervention measures:

This can be done through the adoption of educational campaigns that provide more adequate and effective education on the risk factors and the early signs of domestic violence in relationships of teenagers and young couples, in schools at secondary and tertiary level. In this way, more emphasis would be placed on prevention and early intervention of the early signs of domestic violence, both if these predispose the youth to become a victim or an abuser.


  • Working on Positive Campaigns transmitting a sense of hope:
  • 1) When targeting potential victims campaigns should generate hope and empower them to work on themselves to help them to regain the trust in themselves and in others so as to be able to engage in healthy relationships
  • 2) When targeting potential perpetrators, campaigns should by empathic rather then judgmental and directing them to professional services that can help them to work on themselves and past traumas so as to be able to engage in healthy relationships


  • More training to professionals working closely with youths:

1) Training professionals on the early signs of domestic violence including behavioural, emotional and physical signs, as well as on potential risk factors which are likely to evoke episodes of violence in the future

2) Training professionals as to how to direct the youths to the professional assistance required.

3) Facilitating networking amongst key professionals involved; teachers, doctors, psychologists, social workers, priests, members of the police force and local agencies


  • Strengthening assistance to victims and their family:

More support should be provided to the relatives of the victims, since most of the times the   children of the victim and the perpetrator require a lot of support and psychological assistance to prevent them from engaging in abusive relationships or adopting aggressive and abusive behaviours with their future partners.


  • Generating a sense of corporate responsibility amongst youths:

Friends and colleagues should also be involved in the action against domestic violence, since youths tend to open up and to seek initial help from friends. Therefore the campaigns shouldn't only address victims or perpetrators but also provide skills to youths who might be in contact with potential victims or perpetrators. In this way youths will also be included as catalysts in this fight against domestic violence.


  • 2. Title of Resolution:


Women's representation in Local Councils and Parliament





Gender balance in decision making is a stated goal of the European Union and recommendation for the introduction of legislated, regulatory and incentive measures to redress the under-representation of women in decision making have been adopted by all the EU's major institutions.

The European Commission's Roadmap for Equality between men and women for 2006-2010 includes the promotion of equal representation of women and men in decision making as one of the six priority areas for action

The Council of Europe has recommended balanced participation of women and men in political decision making and called for ‘positive action measures'

The United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) calls for equality policy.

Beijing Platform of Action adopted at the Fourth World Conference for Women in 1995 had one of its 12 objectives formulated as women's equal access to and full participation in power structures and decision making

The Commonwealth Plan of Action for Gender Equality 2005 -2015 endorsed at the Malta CHOGM 2005 encourages political parties to adopt the 30% target for women candidates and to harmonise national legislation with international standards as tools for promoting de facto equality.


In Malta women are still under represented in political decision making assemblies. With the forthcoming Local Council elections and later  General Election,  NCW Malta urges political parties to rethink their strategies and adopt action plans for recruiting an equal number of women & men as candidates for ‘winnable seats' and in general, for making party politics more inclusive.




  • NCW welcomes the steps taken by political parties to improve the participation of women in decision-making with an increase, albeit small, of a number of women in their decision-making structures.
  • The principle of capitalising on the potential of all individuals (over 50% women) in decision-making should be the foundation for any decisions to be taken in the immediate future
  • The next steps to be taken by political parties is to introduce more concrete measures to ensure a mass of at least 30% participation of women, as required to be realistically effective in the decision making process of our political system
  • Structured consultation with NCPE and NGOs working in the field of gender equality should be ongoing
  • Government should establish a 40% quota for both sexes as minimum requirement for Local Councils and General Elections 2012-2013.
  • Due to the short time available for elections, Government and political parties should immediately reach agreement within their decision-making internal structures and make public the measures they are to take to comply with the above recommendations for elections 2012-2013
  • Political Parties and Government need to study and explain clearly what gender quotas measures are, as misconceptions in society give the impression that meritocracy is not a priority
  • Other measures, include the zipper system, alternating women and men throughout the list or 40% of each sex and alternation by sex on the first half of the list should be introduced
  • Explicit rules about the implementation of gender quotas such as rank-ordering rules, legal sanctions for non-compliance (legislated quotas) and a ‘contract' with the local party organisations (voluntary party quotas) are needed in the short to medium term
  • Finally the incoming new government should ensure prioritising the issue of women in decision-making both legally and through innovative measures by placing this issue on the agenda for a serious debate in the House of Representatives resulting in a National Action Plan to include decision-making in all areas: political, economic and legal spheres at different levels


3.         Title of Resolution:

Oocyte Vitrification as an alternative to Embryo Freezing during IVF treatment


b.       The need for an ongoing educational campaign on how to protect fertility from infancy to adulthood.


Background: It is a fact that fertility declines with age. Women's fertility peaks when the women are in their early twenties. Statistics today, however, show that many women are postponing their pregnancies until much later due to a number of reasons. This is contributing to many women having problems in conceiving and looking for help later on in life.


Oocyte Vitrification (egg preservation) is a method of ‘freezing' a woman's eggs as part of the IVF procedure. Cryopreservation is a process which involves a flash-freezing process of eggs (oocytes) without the formation of ice-crystals within the cells. The eggs are extracted, frozen and stored. Later, when the woman is ready to become pregnant, the eggs can be thawed, fertilized, and transferred to the uterus as embryos.


This technique can be availed of by women who have certain serious health issues as well as women who make particular life choices.




  • Oocyte vitrification has achieved the same pregnancy results as using frozen embryos.


  • Oocyte cryopreservation, avoids having several excess embryos through the selection of the optimal eggs and the insemination of only a few avoiding the ethical problems associated with surplus embryos.


  • Women with fertility problems do not need to be "dangerously" hyper-stimulated several times.


  • Young cancer patients, undergoing chemotherapy that can destroy their eggs, can have a chance to get pregnant later in life by having their eggs cryopreserved.


  • The preservation of the female egg, instead of the embryo, considered to be the first cell of a human being - eliminates legal and ethical problems of ownership. The female gamete (oocyte) belongs to the female, as opposed to the embryo, which belongs to both partners. The ethical, religious and moral issues involved during the process of embryo freezing which no court is comfortable with when deciding on the matter of frozen embryo ownership; are eliminated when oocyte vitrification is opted for. Complex problems due to the negative aspects of embryo freezing of a legal nature result when split couples enter into acrimonious battles over ownership of the embryo.



  • a) Working protocol: Good results depend on excellent standards, including the training of embryologists and doctors, and the use of top-quality materials, to select the best oocytes instead of embryos. Any sort of experimental approach should be avoided and local embryologists and doctors must be well trained in the procedures involved.


  • b) Politicians and the general public must be educated on fertility issues. Educational campaigns involving the dissemination of information regarding protection of fertility, and options to treat fertility including oocyte vitrification in the IVF technique are strongly advised.



  • c) The education of citizens on how to use and protect their fertility should also focus on how mothers/guardians should look after their daughter's fertility from a young age, e.g.: taking them for check-ups, proper methods of personal hygiene, etc. This can be supplemented by educational material to be distributed and discussed during PSD lessons in schools.


  • d) General Practitioners need to be regularly updated on fertility issues including prevention but also regarding pathologies that cause damage to the human reproductive system.



4a.  Title of Resolution: 


Proper Designated Space in the Breast Clinic at Mater Dei Hospital



1. Women attending Mater Dei Hospital for biopsies or other matters relating to breast cancer may be waiting for life-changing news alongside other patients who are there for other reasons. This is not ethical and psychologically appropriate for the breast cancer patient, who, after receiving her diagnosis has to go out into the corridor, emotionally upset by the information and disorientated; such situations are also distressing for the other people waiting their turn.

Currently, the Breast Care doctor gives the news and informs the patient about her medical condition in the so-called clinic, which in reality is more of an office / reception area. There is little privacy as it is the office/ reception area where the secretary is usually in the same room working at the computer and another nurse often communicating by phone with another patient.


 4b. Title of Resolution:  A prosthesis fitting room


Currently the fitting of breast prostheses takes place at Mater Dei Hospital but there is no designated room where this can be done.

By 2016 all EU member states will have to have specialist Breast Units in place. Therefore Malta will have to implement a number of changes before that date.


BCSG Europa Donna Malta is thus proposing that for 2012, there should be:

  • A designated space for a breast clinic comprising a clinic room, offices, reception area, waiting room as well as a quiet room where the patient can sit down with the Breast Care nurse for an explanation of what will be happening next.
  • An oncopsychologist as there is only one at the moment who has to deal with all types of cancer not just breast cancer.
  • A prosthesis fitting room.


5. Title of Resolution:


Follow-up to the Extension of Maternity Leave: Addressing the interim period between 2 January 2012(date when the legal notice came into force) and the functioning of Temping Agencies



The National Council of Women (NCW) is pleased to note Government's successful efforts to reach agreement on the extension of paid maternity leave with the social partners within the MCESD. In this agreement, which has been approved by the Employment Relationships Board, the extension of maternity leave by four weeks spread over a period of two years, will be paid by Government with a fixed amount of 160 euros per week. Mothers who are on maternity leave as from 2 Janyuary 2012 are entitled to  these provisions


NCW sees this development as another important step after the publication of the Legal Notice regulating Temping Agencies which came into force on the 5 December 2011. Employers also stand to gain by this measure as they will be able to employ trained personnel on a temporary basis when workers are on long leave, in this case mothers before and after they have given birth.


The interim period necessary for a fully functioning temping agency/ies requires a number of measures to address both the needs of employers and workers


NCW Recommendations


  • ETC Schemes for the provision of supply workers during maternity and paternity leave
  • Collective agreements to be discussed and agreed on by social partners regarding flexible working time frames for mothers and fathers and the necessary accompanying measures to curb abuse
  • Continued increase of affordable and accessible care services for children through private/public partnerships through Structural Funds
  • Mandatory registration of all care services to ensure the required standards are observed
  • Legal provision to increase  paternity leave, by including a  non-transferable period in parental leave in order to encourage the sharing of  care responsibilities between mothers and fathers



6. Title of Resolution:


The EU Year for Active Ageing - Solidarity between Generations 2012




The Challenges of the demographic deficit have been under discussion for a number of years

The proposal to make 2012 the European Year for Active Ageing was made to follow upon the goals of the most recent presidencies, the Europe 2020 Strategy and the European Year 2010 (Combating Poverty and Social Exclusion) and 2011(European Year of Volunteering)

The term Active Ageing is to be interpreted as implicitly including the principle of solidarity between generations

Young people today are the elderly of tomorrow and their involvement in the EU Year for Active Ageing 2012 should be a forward-looking policy and practice for themselves also as future elderly




  • Study by NSO on unpaid work in the care for the elderly (family members and volunteers)
  • Investing in Health and Long term care - turning Ageing into an investment
  • The gender dimension of active ageing
  • Training more (young) professionals to deal with the different aspects of ageing, needs of the elderly and caring skills both in residential homes and in the family residence ( this also provides opportunities for the creation of jobs)
  • At University level specialisation -Masters and PHD level:  Investing in new technology for the elderly for a better quality of life. mobility,  communication facilities, transport  (again this also provides opportunities for the creation of jobs) MCST
  • Getting social partners involved in consultation: investing in the elderly themselves to remain active- capitalising on their skills and experience (a) personally and (b) to remain in employment through flexible work arrangements - intergenerational experience and forward-looking work practices; accident prevention and occupational illness among others
  • Education: Lifelong learning for all ages, including the elderly
  • Addressing Social Security systems and decent pension systems
  • Health systems including preventive health care and independence
  • Violence against older people
  • Campaigning for more intergenerational initiatives :

            sports and leisure

            community activities


7. Title of Resolution:


Addressing Alcohol Consumption during Pregnancy




Issues related to alcohol consumptiom durimg pregnancy

  • Risks associated with prenatal exposure to alcohol
  • FASD children and their families: therapeutic dilemmas
  • Measuring the problem in Europe
  • What could be done at European level


Alcohol and pregnancy - what everyone should know

No amount of alcohol is safe during pregnancy

  • Reduces fertility
  • Increases risk of miscarriage
  • Causes brain damage and birth defects
  • Can cause congitive damage, learning disorders and mental retardation
  • Can cause behavioural disorders such as ADHD and autism



FASD - Fetal Alcohol Spectrum disorder - is a term covering  a range of birth defects and brain damage resulting from prenatal exposure to alcohol

FAS -  Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and related disorders is diagnosed when a child shows retarded growth, a specific pattern of minor facial anomalies and neurological damage.


Even moderate drinking or a single binge can cause permanent damage. The prevalence in Europe is not known. The usual estimates of prevalence in the western world run from 1 to 3 per thousand for full FAS and 9.1 per thousand for all





  • Effective health warning messages:Labelling and health warnings on alcoholic drinks have been one of the most effective preventive measures
  • Campaigns of prevention of FASD
  • Messages financed by producers
  • Information for health professionals
  • Information in schools
  • Support for foster/parents who are carers of children/young people with FAS and FASD
  • Reaching consensus between producers and consumers on prevention masures











8.         Title of Resolution: 


Lejn Edukazzjoni ta' Kwalita' ghal Kulhadd

Il-Qafas tal-Kurrikulu Nazzjonali 2011


It-Tkomplija tal-Istudju u x-Xogħol:




Kif L-NCF se jipprepara aħjar lill-istudenti għal studju ogħla u għad-dinja tax-xogħol

  • Kull stadju u f'kull livell tal-Kurrikulu s-sistema ta' l-assessjar tal-istudenti se tkun marbuta mal-livelli tan-National Qualifications Framework, f'dak li ghandu x'jaqsam mal-kompetenzi u l-hiliet ta' l-studenti.


  • Dan qed isir biex kull taghlim u esperjenzi , formali u informali iwasslu biex l-izvilupp holistiku l-studenti ikun iccertifikat, partikolarment biex isibu posthom fid-dinja tax-xoghol


L-NCF  jipproponi tliet cikli li joffru kontiwita' u  li jirrispettaw l-eta' u l-izvilupp ta-tfal fit-tliet livelli

  • Is-Snin Bikrin
  • Is-Snin tal-Priamrja
  • S-Snin tas-Sekondarja


Edukazzjoni Inkluzziva

L-NSF jhaddan il-principju ta' l-inkluzzivita' u jindirizza il-bzonnijiet ta' l-istudenti kollha, bid-diversita' taghhom fizici u intelletwali, permess ta' professjonalita fil-qasma tal LSDs biex aktar studenti jkunu jistghu ikomplu l-istudji taghhom  fuq livelli skont l-inklinazzjoni, il-hiliet u l-kompetenzi  taghom




  • L-iskola ghandha tkun child/student centred, partnership bejn l-istudent, l-ghalliem/a u kull membru ta' l-istaff fl-iskola. Dan ifisser edukazzjoni ta' qsim ta' esperjenzi bil-gwida ta' l-ghalliem/a izda mhux biss.


  • L-esperjenzi tat-taghlim ghandhom iwasslu biex jinholoq ambjent fejn l-istudenti jingibdu aktar lejn t-taghlim mhux biss waqt s-snin ta' edukazzjoni formali izda tul hajjithom kollha (Lifelong Learning)


Career Guidance - Id -Dinja tax-Xoghol fil-Klassi

Servizzi Profesjonali li joffru tahrig u informzzjoni ghall-istudenti kollha, fid-diversita' taghhom ghandhom jinkludu

  • Programmi effettivi ta'gharfien biex jghinuhom jaghmlu ghazliet infurmati skont ix-xejriet ta' kull student/a, l-interessi ta' kull student/a biex iwassluhom ghall-karrieri jew karriera. (Matching Education with Labour Market needs u New Skills for New Jobs


Dan is-Servizz ghandu jkompli jahdem ma' partijiiet socjali f'diversi modi: 

  • Permezz ta' orientation visits u work experience biex minn kmiemi jifhmu ahjar id-dinja tax-xoghol u l-hiliet u l-kompetenzi li jkollhom bzonn ,sew personali kif ukoll vokazzjonali.
  • Dan huwa servizz li ghandu johloq gharfien dwar xejriet godda fix-         xoghol li qed jinbidlu mhux l-inqas minhabba zviluppi teknologici,u b'mod partikolari fl-Ewropa fejn hemm deficit demografiku 



Edukazzjoni ghal Opportunitajiet Indaqs -

l-Ugwaljaza bejn is-sessi - nindirizzaw l-isterjotipar

  • Fit-taghlim formali,
  • kif ukoll dak informali;
  • fil-kummunikazzjoni bejn l-studenti l-ghalliema
  • Hemm bzonn li l-istudenti jghixu fl-esperjenza taghhom fl-iskola l-kuncett ta' l-ugwaljanza  biex neqirdu l-isterjotipar
  • Dan huwa importanti socjalment u ekonomikament u ghandu jinbena fuq ir-rispett lejn kull individwu bhala persuna umana.
  • Ir-rizorsi umani huma l-aktar rizorsi importanti ta' pajjizna
  • Ghalhekk hu importatni li l-edukazzjoni, partikolarment fejn jidhlu suggetti specjalizzati  bhax-Xjenzi, Teknologija ta' l-Informatika Avvanzata, fost ohrajn ghandhom  jinkoraggixxu lit-tfajliet jidhlu ghal studju u karriera li sa issa hemm it-tendenza li jitqiesu bhal ta' sess maskil.
  • Izda mhux biss, dan jghodd ukoll ghas-sess maskil f'oqsma ta' care u Edukazzjoni  li b'mod generali jitqiesu bhala setturi li  l-aktar li jdhlu ghalihom  huma s-sess femminili


Il-Kurrikulu ghandu jkompli jaghti  importanza wkoll lit-taghlim tal-lingwi li huma ghodda indispensabbli  biex ikun aktar facli biex jimirhu f'orrizonti godda ta' studju aktar avvanzat barra minn xtutna



Ix-Xjenza u t-Teknologija - l-istudent u d-dinja ta' madwarna

Bidla importanti qeghda tigi proposta fil-Kurrikulu sabiex t-taghlim tax-xjenza u tar-ricerka  fit-tifsira wiesa taghhom ikun miftuh ghal kull student

  • biex inzidu r-rati ta' studenti li ispeccjalizzaw f'dan il-qasam
  • b iex kull student/a ikollu l-opportunita' li jasal ghal kwalita' ta'hajja ahjar billi jifhem u jesperjenza d-dinja ta' madwarna li jista' joffri t-taghlim tax-xjenza
  • biex kull student jitharreg fil-hiliet ta' investigazzjoni  u analizi li huma l-pedamenti tar-ricerka



Tahrig Ghall-Ghalliema

It tahrig ghall-ghalliema ghandu jitwessa  billi jitfasslu programmi  sabiex l- ghalliema li jkollhom il-hiliet necessarji biex fil-klassi joholqu ambjent fejn it-taghlim ikun qed jirrifletti d-dinja ta' madwarna  jitkellmu ma' l-istudenti dwar kull ma qed jigri madwarna


L-Innovazzjoni u l-Krejattivita' fl-istragegija Ewropeja 2020

Din l-istrategija li kull pajjiz membru ta' l-Unjoni Ewropeja qed jiehu sehem fiha permezz tal-NRP ( National Reform Programme) ma tfissirs biss innovazzjoni permess tat-Teknologija jew ICT, izda tfisser aktar u aktar li nkunu krejattivi f'kull ma naghmlu biex ikollna kwalita' ta' hajja ahjar

 Dan japplika sew ghall-istudenti, sew ghall-ghalliema kif ukoll innovazzjoni fuq il-post tax-xoghol



Sehem il-Genituri u l-Iskola

  • Il-genituri ghandhom sehem importanti fl-izvilupp ta' l-istudenti u fis-success tar-riforma tal-Kurrikulu.
  • Bhala imsiehba ma' l-ghalliema u l-istudenti (partnership)ghandhom ifittxu li jkunu attivi u jaqsmu l-esprjenzi mat-tfal taghhom u mhux biss fil-parent-teacher associations
  • Dan ghandu x'jaqsam ukoll mal-valuri li nrawwmu fit-tftal, bhal generozita', solidarjeta' ma min hu fil-bzonn , kif ukoll sens ta' responsabbilta' u dixxiplina fuqhom infushom.
  • Zvilupp personali u socjali (bhal permess tal-PSD) jizviluppa fl-istudenti hiliet ohra bhal fost ohrajn team work u inizzjattiva li huma wkoll imfittxija fid-dinja tax-xoghol



Il-Kommunikazjoni u Social Media

  • Il-kommunikazjoni permezz ta' forom godda bhal internet, facebook, twitter, ipad, kindle u l-media ingenrali qeghda tkun ta' sfida kbira ghall-ghalliema li jridu joholqu mezzi ta' kommunikazzjoni li jattiraw lill-studenti.
  • Ghalhekk l-ghalliema ghandhom jitharrgu biex juzaw dawn il-mezzi mhux biss bhala ghodda ghat-taghlim tas-suggetti
  • Hawn tidhol ukoll l-importanza ta' Media Education






9.  Title of Resolution:


Improving Measures regarding Refugee Status to Asylum Seekers.


The Emigrants' Commission would like to put forward the following Proposals to The National Council of Women in connection with the special meeting for Affiliated Bodies being held on the 5th December 2011.in preparation for the NCW AGM January 2012


Proposal  I


That Recognized Migrants with Refugee Status who have been living in Malta for a consecutive period of five/seven years will legally be entitled to Maltese citizenship (currently it is 10years)


Proposal  II


That those with Subsidiary Protection

i    who have been in Malta and are working with work-permit for three years be given the possibility of applying for family reunification;


ii    who have been in Malta and working with wok-permit for five consecutive years be given the possibility of applying for permanent residence.


iii   who have been in Malta for ten years and have been working in Malta for five consecutive years be given the possibility of applying for Maltese citizenship


Proposal  III


That those with Temporary Humanitarian Protection who have been in Malta for five years, and have been working with work-permit for three years and are in possession of good Police conduct certificate, be given the same treatment as those with subsidiary protection in as far as resettlement or relocation is concerned


Proposal  IV


That Asylum Seekers whose application for refugee status had been rejected at Appeal stage and have been living in Malta for a period of four years, could not and cannot be returned home and are in possession of good Police Conduct Certificate be given the possibility of applying for Temporary Humanitarian Protection


Proposal  V


That all classes  of refugees - be they recognized refugees, with Subsidiary Protection, with Temporary Humanitarian Protection or rejected who are working with work-permit and pay N.I.S. contribution be given the same treatment and allowances as Maltese workers.



Proposal  VI


That the births of children born at sea and the registration of births of children born outside Malta duly corrected be registered with the Public Registry here in Malta

NCW recommends that babies of irregular immigrants born at sea and landing in Malta be given identification and recognition by the government.


Proposal   VII


That people with disability who enjoy subsidiary protection be given the same treatment given to Maltese


Proposal  VIII


That all Refugees in employment with a work permit and paying National Insurance contribution and also those unemployed and registering with ETC be given the right to enjoy the benefits under the National Insurance Contribution Act


10. Title of Resolution:


The consequences of Climate Change and the need for adaptation and mitigation





In recent years we have seen the rise of climate change as one of the major issues within the politics of many countries, International Institutions and NGO. The consequences of climate change such as flooding, droughts, increase of sea-levels and higher temperatures have been with us for the past 50 years and are expected to be more intense and frequent in the near future. As argued by Huq and co-authors, throughout the year's man made development factors such as economic growth, population, technology and governance increased Green House Gas emissions in the atmosphere above stabilization levels. This unsustainable development resulted in a change in climate and only with different development pathways we can help to decrease vulnerability to climate change.


According to the Cyprus Institute of Energy, Environment and Water Research Center, the Mediterranean Basin (MB) is expected to be one of the most prominent and vulnerable climate change "hot spots" in the 21st Century. The change in climate will impact severely the Mediterranean basin with greater variability and extreme weather events. Moreover, climate change is expected to destabilize the hydrological cycle of the Mediterranean in which there is stressful demand on water resources. Last but not least, floods will become the most visible impact on the Mediterranean as their intensity and frequency will increase.


There are two measures in order to lessen the consequences of climate change. These are adaptation and mitigation. Mitigation focuses on the source of climate change while adaptation addresses its consequences. Another difference between mitigation and adaptation is that the former is effective in the long term while the latter is effective in the short term. However, both measures are interlinked as the more we adapt to climate change the less mitigation is needed and vice versa.


Unfortunately, Even though awareness of climate change is on the increase and governments and businesses are becoming more responsible on their emissions, the warming of the Earth cannot be avoided. In addition, the emission reductions that till today have been agreed by countries in international conferences are far too low to have a significant impact on the warming trend given the level of the greenhouse gases present in the atmosphere. Due to this, there is urgent need of more international cooperation in order to agree on concrete mitigation and adaptation measure, especially from developing countries such as China and India who are still reluctant to take tangible action on this regard. 




  1. Global temperatures have risen by some 0.75º C over the past 100 years. The average global temperature is projected to increase further by anywhere between 1.1ºC and up to 6.4ºC over the course of this century unless the world takes action to limit the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.
  2. The world's oceans are warming up, expanding their volume. Polar ice sheets have started to melt and glaciers around the world are shrinking. The combination of these changes is increasing sea levels, which in time will threaten low-lying land areas and islands.
  3. As the climate changes, extreme weather events like heat waves, droughts heavy rain and snow, storms and floods are becoming more frequent or more intense.
  4. Rainfall patterns are also changing. In Europe the Mediterranean area is becoming drier, making it even more vulnerable to drought and wildfires.
  5. Climate change is expected to cause significant changes in the quality and availability of water resources. Extreme weather events such as heat waves and floods pose a direct risk to the health and safety of people, with the very young, the elderly, the disabled and low-income households particularly vulnerable.
  6. Damage to property and infrastructure imposes heavy costs on society and the economy. Sectors that rely strongly on certain temperatures and precipitation levels, such as agriculture, forestry, energy and tourism, will be particularly affected.
  7. Climate change is happening so fast that many plant and animal species will struggle to cope. Warming of 1.5º C-2.5º C beyond today's levels would put as many as 20-30% of plant and animal species at increased risk of extinction.




  1. The government should increase its efforts in informing the general public on the consequences of climate change and how we can mitigate and adapt to climate change.
  2. Mitigation- The general public should be made aware of the need to reduce the consumption of:
    • Electricity and heat
    • Non-electric transport
    • Non-recycled material

      3.  Mitigation- Promote measures for the reduction of energy consumption such as:

  • Shift to more energy efficient technologies
  • Sensor lighting systems and Specular reflective surfaces
  • Building design and positioning for passive solar lighting
  • Insulation and sealing
  • Innovative cooling processes and climate friendly cooling gases
  • Building design for passive cooling
  • Solar based heater
  • Production and product innovations
  • Recycling and material substitution
  • Improvements of infrastructure and vehicles


3. Adaptation - The government should make more emphasis on awareness     regarding Co2 emissions through:

  • Education campaigns regarding the Co2 emissions through use and excessive use of fossil fuels and the resulting consequences.
  • Informing the public of how one can calculate his/her/their own carbon footprint and try to reduce through mitigation measures mentioned earlier
  • Information regarding the possible costs that we as a nation may incur through excessive emissions
  • Balancing out carbon generation by human by offsetting the carbon footprint through tree planting, water harvesting, reuse of paper and other measures.





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